Comments and help on web development.
08 2010

Blog Demographics

“Blog Demographics” is a WordPress plug-in that displays the age and gender distribution of your visitors. Additionally you will see which social networks your visitors use and in what percentage.

For that to work you need accounts on 3rd-party-services like Facebook, MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog. “Blog Demographics” gathers information from these services to determine the identity of your latest visitors and commentators and then tries to find the age and gender of each one.

The result looks like this:

This plug-in doesn’t show you how many visitors you got, or where they came from. Use another plug-in for that.

Note: If you just upgraded and don’t see any new data although you have comments then deactivate and reactivate the plug-in! If you still don’t see any data then we are not able to detect them. Your only option in this case is to wait ;)

Download Plug-In

4 Responses to “Blog Demographics”

  1. Hey,
    i translate your plugin in my own languages how can i sent it for you to put it in plugin package?
    i translate it into Farsi.


  2. I’ve send you an email. Thanks for helping!

  3. I hope the future version of this plugin can also provides pop-up window asked visitor (don’t have tobe a commentator) to enter their year of born and gender to allow them to see a specific content area.

  4. Thank you for the suggestion, but I’m afraid this is outside of the scope of this plug-in.
    The goal of “Blog Demographics” is to detect demographics in the background without requiring any interaction with the visitor.
    What you want is an age and gender verification plug-in. This is not exactly what you need, but take a look at this plug-in:

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